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Postponed - The Big Belper River Clean


Updated: Mar 24, 2020

After all the high water events of the last few months, there has been a large amount of rubbish and plastic left all the way down the Derwent valley. Much of it can be seen if you walk along the paths by the river. It is possibly on a scale never seen before. Paddle Peak are a group of local river users and we have come together with Belper Town Council and Amber Valley Borough Council to tackle it. Combining our resources, we decided we needed a community litter pick.

Saturday 28th March. 10.30am onwards - Postponed

Put the date in your diary - we’re bringing the community together to clear up the rubbish along the valley between Belper Mills and Milford.There have already been some local litter picks but a group has come together in order to tackle the scale of the problem. If you can give any time or support it would be greatly appreciated. The day will be split into two sections.

Morning - Meet at Bridge Foot, 10.30am. We’ll head down the West Bank to finish at the Sewage plant for around 1.00pm

Afternoon - Meet 1.15pm on the lane by the sewage plant (over the Goods Road footbridge). We’ll leave from the Chevin side of the footbridge at 1.30pm and sweep down the west bank into Milford, ending in the fields by Chevin Road and Jacksons Lane.

We have split the day into two sections so people can more easily give a little time and get back to their start point more easily, but if you’d like to do the full day you’re clearly welcome, bring a sandwich and a friend!

Please share this far and wide - lets get our amazing valley back to the state we can enjoy it!

If you feel you can spare some time and are able, please drop us a message so we have an idea ofvolunteer numbers (and in case of a change of plans due to weather) to

Some safety stuff:

The fields and paths are likely to still be muddy, and it’s still only March so please wear suitable warm clothing and footwear - you’re likely to get wet and muddy!

The Councils will be able to provide some litter pickers and bags, but we’d advise bringing some gloves, hand wash - a flask or water bottle would be a good idea!

There’s no age limit - we want to involve the whole community, but children should be supervised by responsible adults. We all take part at our own risk.

If you come across any sharp or dangerous litter, there will be members of the team in Hi-Vis - please make them aware of it - don’t try to pick it up!

There will be a specialist River Clean Team on the river from Paddle Peak working alongside. They are all experienced river users and have been cleaning the river together for the past year. Please do not climb along the river banks to get to rubbish - if its on the banks the Paddle Peak team will get it. The River banks are very slippy, overgrown and the water is cold and dangerous.



Paddle Peak is a registered charity, club and community project promoting responsible paddlesports, improving access to outdoor spaces, inspiring local young people, caring for the River Derwent and protecting its wildlife. Charity Number: 1194192. Paddle UK Club CL000123.

Trustees: Peter Astles. Andrew Whiting. Alan Mellor. Gary Edwards. Peter Montgomery & Melissa Jackson

Support: Cromford Mills. Manor Adventure Willersley Castle. Derbyshire County Council Countryside Services. Peak UK. Hou Canoes. Pyranha Kayaks. Ainsworth Paddles. JEM Racing. Dagger Kayaks. Lovedays Solicitors

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